Pregnancy Test
Rapid Detection

Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test
Result as fast as 1 minute2

Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test has been designed to offer you the easiest pregnancy testing experience, with the accuracy you expect from Clearblue – and result as fast as 1 minute1. Its revolutionary design came after extensive research with women and even won a Red Dot design award in 2012.

Over 99% Accurate

Over 99% accurate

From the day of your expected period.

Ergonomic Shape

Ergonomic shape

Easy to handle and more hygienic due to the longer, curved handle.

50% Wider Tip

50% wider tip

The wider colour change tip makes sampling easier and changes colour from white to pink to let you know you've sampled correctly.

Clear Plus (+) or Minus (-) Results

Clear plus (+) or minus (-) results

Easy to read plus (+) or minus (-) results, with a pregnant result as fast as 1 minute1



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How to use Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test

1. Before you begin

Please always read the instruction leaflet carefully before doing a pregnancy test.

When ready to test, remove the pregnancy test stick from the foil wrapper and take off the blue cap. Use the test straightaway.

Before you begin

2. Doing the test

Doing the testSimply hold the absorbent colour change tip pointing downwards in your urine stream or in a sample of your urine, in a clean dry container, for just 5 seconds.

The colour change tip will instantly turn pink showing that urine is being absorbed. Continue holding the colour change tip in the urine for the full 5 seconds.


Testing tip upward / downwardKeep the colour change tip pointing downwards or lay the pregnancy test stick flat while you wait for the result.


3. Wait for 3 minutes

Wait for 3 minutesAs the pregnancy test begins to work, you'll see blue lines start to develop.


4. Read your results

You can read your result in the result window. 

A blue line must be present in the control window when you read your result. This line shows that the test has worked.

Read your results

A ‘Pregnant’ result may appear in 1 minute when testing from the day you miss your period (which is the day after your expected period). You should wait the full 3 minutes to confirm a ‘Not Pregnant’ result or when testing before you have missed your period (refer to question 10).

If no blue line appears in the control window within 10 minutes the test has not worked.

It does not matter if one of the lines that make up the '+' symbol is lighter or darker than the other; the result is 'Pregnant'.

Read your result within 10 minutes of doing a test. Ignore any changes to your result after this time.


Frequently asked questions

How accurate is Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test?

Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test is more than 99% accurate in laboratory tests, when used from the day of your expected period.

How does Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test work?

When you are pregnant your body produces the pregnancy hormone hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotrophin). The amount of hCG in your body increases in the early stages of pregnancy. Clearblue Rapid Detection can detect tiny amounts of this hormone in your urine. (The sensitivity of this test is 25mIU/ml).

Can any medication or medical conditions affect the result?

  • Always read the manufacturer's instructions for any medication you are taking before conducting a test.
  • Fertility drugs containing hCG can give misleading results (these fertility drugs are usually given by injection, and testing too soon after administration may give a false 'Pregnant' result).
  • Other fertility therapies, painkillers and hormonal contraceptives (e.g. contraceptive pill) should not affect the result.
  • If you have recently stopped using hormonal contraception or are using fertility therapies, your periods may be irregular, leading you to test too soon.
  • If you have recently been pregnant (even if not carried to full term) you may get a false 'Pregnant' result.
  • Ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cysts, menopause and some very rare medical conditions can give misleading results.

If you do get unexpected results you should discuss them with your doctor.

I previously tested ‘Pregnant’ but have tested again and got a ‘Not Pregnant’ result, or my period has started. What does this mean?

Whilst Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test is over 99% accurate at detecting the pregnancy hormone from the day of the expected period, it’s possible to get a pregnant result and find out later that you’re not pregnant (i.e., you may later get a not pregnant result, or your period may start). This may be due to natural loss during the early stages of pregnancy, known as ‘early pregnancy loss’, which sadly is not uncommon, as around 1 in 4 pregnancies end in early pregnancy loss. If you do get unexpected results, ask your doctor for advice.

I have used the Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test but the colour change tip has not turned completely pink. What should I do?

If the colour change tip has not turned completely pink you may not have applied enough urine. However, if the blue line in the control window appears within 10 minutes of performing the test then the test has worked. If no blue line appears in the control window within 10 minutes of performing the test, refer to question 6.

I have used the Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test but no blue line has appeared in the control window. What should I do?

If there is no blue line in the control window within 10 minutes of performing the test, then the test has not worked. This may be because:

  • • The colour change tip was not kept pointing downwards or the pregnancy test stick was not laid flat after urine was applied.
  • • Too much or too little urine was used. You must sample for 5 seconds. You should test again, using a new pregnancy test stick, taking care to follow the instructions. You may wish to collect a sample of your urine in a clean, dry container and immerse only the colour change tip for 5 seconds.

What if I am unsure of my result?

Pregnant resultPicture A
Even if faint this still denotes a pregnant result.

Pregnancy resultPicture B
This is not unusual when you are pregnant and you are testing on or around the day of your expected period as hCG levels may still be relatively low.


Pregnancy test resultPicture C
This is more likely to occur when you are pregnant and you are testing more than a few days after your missed period as hCG levels are higher.

  • • For your result to be 'Pregnant' there must be a blue line in the control window and a '+' symbol in the result window within 10 minutes of performing the test. The appearance of the '+' symbol in the result window may vary, however, the lines that make up the '+' symbol and the line in the control window should be of a similar width (see pictures A-C).
  • • For your result to be 'Not Pregnant' there must be a blue line in the control window and a '-' (minus) symbol in the result window within 10 minutes of performing the test. If your result is 'Not Pregnant' and pregnancy is still suspected, refer to question 8.


My test says I’m not pregnant. What should I do?

You may not be pregnant, or the level of pregnancy hormone may not yet be high enough to be detected, or you may have miscalculated the day of your expected period.

  • • If you tested early, test again when your period is due.
  • • If your period is overdue, test again in 3 days time. If this test gives you a 'Not Pregnant' result and you still have not had your period, see your doctor.

My test says I m pregnant. What should I do?

If your test says you are pregnant you should see your doctor who can advise you on what steps you should take next.

When can I read the result?

A ‘Pregnant’ result may appear in as fast as 1 minute when testing from the day you miss your period (which is the day after your period was expected but did not come). Make sure a blue line is also present in the control window before reading your result. You must wait 3 minutes to confirm a ‘Not Pregnant’ result, or when testing before you expect your period. If no blue line appears in the control window within 10 minutes the test has not worked (refer to question 6).


Think you might be pregnant?

Discover Clearblue Digital Ultra Early, our most sensitive digital pregnancy test that gives you digital results 6 days early.

Test sensitivity is 10mIU/ml. 78% of pregnant results can be detected 6 days before your missed period.

  • 1 A pregnant result may appear in 1 minute when testing from the day of the missed period. Wait 3 minutes to confirm a not pregnant result.